Wednesday 12 October 2016 -
19:00 to 22:00

On Wednesday 12 October 2016, the British Council, in partnership with Natural History Museum RotterdamThe Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and Codarts, presents the sixth Hoboken Lecture by the renowned British Biologist Professor Dave Goulsonsaving our bumblebees'. 

Location and Tickets

The Hoboken Lecture will be held in the auditorium of the Kunsthal, right next to the Natural History Museum. Tickets are available on the Hoboken Lecture website.  

About the Lecture

Bees and other pollinators are vital to our wellbeing: about one third of all the food we eat depends on them. More broadly, natural ecosystems depend upon pollination: without it, most flowering plants would disappear and ecosystems would collapse. Hence we should be deeply concerned that wild bees are in decline, with some species of bee having gone extinct. Dave Goulson will explain the various reasons why they are declining, which include loss of flowers from the countryside, our accidental spreading of bee diseases, and our overuse of pesticides. He will then discuss the many ways that we can all help to ensure that all types of bees have a future.