October is Black History Month in the UK. It recognises black people's achievements and teaches people about black history. We have various resources on our Arts and Learn English pages on we'd like to share in celebration of Black History Month.
The resources on our LearnEnglish websites can be used in the classroom or as self-access materials for professionals. All materials include a printable worksheet or online activities.
Magazine: Black History Month - Article about black history.
Video zone: Black British History - Short video by historian David Olusoga who explains what he thinks black British history really is about.
LearnEnglish Teens
ReadUK: Black History Month - Article about black history
Video zone: Speak out make the change - Short video with two young people talking about the racism they've faced and how they want things to change in the future.
LearnEnglish Kids
Video zone: Let's talk about black history - Short video with young children talking about Black History.
Our Arts colleagues collated some exciting Black British artists and organisations. There’s new music for you to listen to, literature to read, new theatre to discover – and even. Find out more on the Arts pages.